
Doodle Sketch: $1.00
Doodle Lined: $2.50
Doodle Colored: $5.00
Normal Sketch: $5.00
Normal Lined: $7.50
Normal Colored: $10.00
Normal Shaded: $12.50
Stylized Sketch: $20.00
Stylized Lined: $25.00
Stylized Colored: $30.00
Stylized Shaded: $35.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for human and/or humanoid characters.
Painted Bust: $50.00
Painted Background: $25.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for anthro and/or feral characters.
Doodle Sketch: $5.00
Doodle Lined: $7.50
Doodle Colored: $10.00
Unrigged Live2D Model: $25.00
Normal Sketch: $10.00
Normal Lined: $12.50
Normal Colored: $15.00
Normal Shaded: $17.50
Unrigged Live2D Model: $50.00
Stylized Sketch: $30.00
Stylized Lined: $35.00
Stylized Colored: $40.00
Stylized Shaded: $45.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for human and/or humanoid characters.
Painted Halfbody: $100.00
Painted Background: $50.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for anthro and/or feral characters.

Doodle Sketch: $10.00
Doodle Lined: $12.50
Doodle Colored: $15.00
Unrigged Live2D Model: $75.00
Normal Sketch: $15.00
Normal Lined: $17.50
Normal Colored: $20.00
Normal Shaded: $22.50
Unrigged Live2D Model: $100.00
Stylized Sketch: $40.00
Stylized Lined: $45.00
Stylized Colored: $50.00
Stylized Shaded: $55.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for human and/or humanoid characters.
Painted Fullbody: $150.00
Painted Background: $75.00*Stylized commissions are only available
for anthro and/or feral characters.
Ref Sheet
Doodle Sketch: $25.00
Doodle Lined: $35.00
Doodle Colored: $45.00 (+)
Normal Sketch: $45.00
Normal Lined: $55.00
Normal Colored: $65.00 (+)
Stylized Sketch: $75.00
Stylized Lined: $125.00
Stylized Colored: $175.00 (+)*Stylized commissions are only available
for human and/or humanoid characters.

Extra Characters. //
Extra characters will cost a fee of 75% of the original price. This may increase or decrease depending on character complexity.NSFW and Rush Fees. //
NSFW artworks: The NSFW fee, which is required in order for the art to be NSFW, is an additional 50% of the base price.Rush Fee: The Rush fee is a fee that guarantees that you get the art piece within a week's time. This fee is also an additional 50%.Custom Character Designs. //
Custom designs will only be available in Normal Fullbody or Normal Reference Sheet form, and will not be shaded. They will cost a fee of 50% of the asking price.Animation Loops. //
An animation loop is an animated GIF that comes anywhere between 2 to 10 frames. Animation loops cost the base price, but are an extra half of the original price for every frame following the first. So for example, a Fullbody animation loop that needs 2 frames will be $30 — the base price ($20) plus half of the base price ($10) for the second frame.Backgrounds. //
Single-Color Backgrounds: Single color backgrounds may include small details such as a frame or sticker backdrop. They do not cost a fee.Pre-made Backgrounds: I currently do not have any pre-made backgrounds, but will in the future. These will be hand-drawn by me and will cost an extra $3.00.Simple Backgrounds: Simple backgrounds may include several hand-drawn abstracts, shapes, grids, and gradients. They cost a $3.00 fee, and may increase depending on complexity.Complex Backgrounds: Complex backgrounds may include landscapes, places, or other scenes. Their price will scale with their stylization. Doodle Backgrounds will be 25% of the price, Normal Backgrounds will be 50% of the price, and Stylized Backgrounds will be 75% of the price. I do not offer complex backgrounds at this time.
Terms of Service
Section One // General
i. //
Please write in a clear manner that I can easily decipher. I am on the Autistic Spectrum, and reading between the lines is very difficult for me. This should be through Direct Messages and before you pay.ii. //
Do not send walls of text, as I often get overwhelmed with these. Instead, please try to properly categorize and space out the information.iii. //
Provide neat, ACCURATE references. Once you have been marked as finished on my Waitlist, you can only make subtle changes
(refer to S3, i.).iv. //
I reserve the ability to decline you of your work-in-progress piece if you treat me in a negative manner. You will get a half refund.v. //
The time you receive your commission or trade may vary from anywhere between a few hours, to up to 6 months from the time I begin the commission. This can depend on a lot of factors, such as health, commission complexity, number of commissions, and school/family/relationship //
All commission updates will be provided in my Commissions Trello. I will take more time on some art pieces than others, so you may have to wait an extended amount of time before I begin your commission. I will message or email you once your commission has begun.
Section Two // Payment
i. //
The buyer must pay only after initial sketch. I will not continue your commission if you fail to provide the payment at the agreed time.ii. //
All payments must be through PayPal, and in USD (United States Dollar), ZŁ (Polish Złoty), or properly translated between currencies.
Section Three // Satisfaction
i. //
After you have been marked as Finished on my Commission Waitlist, requests to change anything on the piece will become lower priority.ii. //
Small changes (such as marking placement and the addition of gradients) cost nothing. However, bigger changes will be an additional fee.iii. //
If your reference was unclear to start with, or you weren’t clear about any details that weren’t in the ref, your requests will cost extra. (Up to $10.00).
Section Four // Usage
i. //
I, the artist, hold every right to the product. The commissioner does not. Therefore I am allowed to use the artwork to promote myself within any place or site, display it anywhere I please, and post it wherever I want.ii. //
The art will be watermarked everywhere outside of your hands and mine. Please specify whether you would like to add a personal watermark along with mine.iii. //
My art is not for commercial use without explicit written permissions from me. Please do not resell my art unless you contact me and get my consent.iv. //
Do not claim my art as yours or as anyone else's. Any art that I create should be properly credited to me.
Holiday Discounts
Holiday discounts only include commissions themed after one of the listed holidays. You can request a Holiday discount up to two months in advance of that holiday. If you have a suggestion to add a Holiday discount that you do not see here, please contact me.
New Year's Day. //
Aether's Offering: All Colored commissions are the same price as their Sketch counterpart.Chūnjié Festival. //
The Tiāndāng Flare: A commission featuring a Kǒngmíng Lantern or Baozhu Sparklers prop only costs 75% of the original price.
Cokimjah's Promise: The extra character fee is only 20% of the original price.Valentine's Day. //
Cupid's Arrow: Extra characters only cost 75% of the original price.
Aphrodite's Kiss: There is no NSFW fee during this holiday.April Fool's Day. //
Trickster's Guile: Doodle style commissions only cost 75% of the original price.
Jester Jamboree: There is no extra character fee for Doodle style commissions.Easter. //
Little Lepus: All commissions with a focus on anthropomorphic rabbits, bunnies, and hares only cost 75% of the original price.Summer Solstice. //
Apollo's Chariot: All Stylized commissions are only 50% of the original price.LGBTQ+ Pride Month. //
Faith of Hemera: Commissions containing any variant of any LGBTQ+ flag are 75% of the original price.
Mene's Maw: NSFW commissions involving kink gear do not require the NSFW fee.Halloween. //
All Saints' Eve: Commissions with a Halloween, Samhain, Día de los Muertos, or Festival of The Lost theme are 70% of the original price.
Dullahan's Steed: All commissions at this time will be completed as if the rush fee were paid.Winter Solstice. //
Call of Artemis: All Normal style commissions are only 50% of the original price.Christmas, Hanukkah, & Yuletide. //
Alcyone Adrift: All commissions bought as a gift for another person are 50% off.
Feast of Dionysus: There is no extra character fee for commissions during this time.
Subscriptions Discounts
Twitch. //
Anyone subscribed to my Twitch channel ($5.00/month) will receive a 15% discount on all commissions. They will also receive one Doodle style Bust per month of subscription.Patreon. //
All Patreon tiers have their own discounts. You can see them all on my Patreon, which is the middle button in the footer of this website.Ko-Fi. //
Anyone subscribed to my Ko-Fi ($3.00/month) will receive a 10% discount on all commissions.Discord Server. //
Anyone who is in my Discord server will receive a 10% discount. I will occasionally publically post the link to it, and will also send a link to you on request.